Source: NARA; M1064. Letters Received by the Commission of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1863-1870, RG94, Roll 23, Charles Griffin file
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Head Quarters 1st Div: 5th Army Corps
July 21, 1863
General S. Williams
Asst Adjt Genl Army of the Potomac
I have the honor to tender my unconditional resignation as an Officer in the service of the United States. It is with great reluctance that I take this step at this time, but duties of an imperative nature leave me no alternative – I would requests permission to leave at once.
I am Sir Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
Chas Griffin
Brig Genl Vol &
Capt. 5th Artillery
Hd Qrs 5 Corps, Camp July 21, ‘63
Reply forwarded, dis-approved- In an active campaign like the present – the services of every officer are due the Govt, and private interests must give way to the public weal.
Geo Sykes
Maj .Genl
Comd Corps
H. Quarters
Army of the Potomac
July 21, 1863
Respectfully forwarded, but not recommended to __ consideration at the present time.
Geo. G. Meade, Maj Genl
Acceptance recommended July 27th 1863
H. W. Halleck Genl in [chief?]
Accepted. July 27, 1863
Edwin M. Stanton, Sec. of War
Acceptance cancelled & authority given to withdraw the tender of resignation
By order of the Secretary of War, Jas A Hardie AAG, July 28, 1863
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