Tuesday, July 30, 2024

1847: Correspondence - Leaving West Point, Illness, and Mexico

 NOTE: Griffin graduates West Point in the summer of 1847 and receives the rank of 2nd Lieutenant (Brevet) in the US 4th Artilery, which is then in Mexico. Enroute from his parents’ home in Ohio to Mexico, Griffin is almost immeidately sick postponing his departure to Sept. 16, 1847. The 4th Artillery units in Mexico were besieged at Puebla beginnig Sept. 14 and until the siege was lifted on October 12. When and where did Griffin join his unit? He did eventually get to Puebla: see 1848.

Granville, Ohio
August 12, 1847
Brig. Genl Roger Jones, Adjt General Washington

Sir: I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of a communication from the Adjutant General’s Office informing me that I have been appointed a Brevet Second Lieutenant in the 4th Artillery, which appointment I accept and proceed to obey orders.
My birthplace is Granville, Ohio
I am Sir, very respectfully
Charles Griffin
Brevet 2nd Lt 4th Art.

Griffin signs Oath (allegiance to the United States of America)
dated August 11, 1847

Charles Griffin, Cincinnati Ohio, Sept. 1, 1847 to Brig Genl R. Jones Adjt Genl
Reports “arrival at Cincinnati after proceeding as far as Louisville, Ky, where, I was advised by my physician to return in consequence of chills and fever.
With note from doctor

Lieut Griffin’s health having sufficiently restored and there being no detachment of __ about to leave the Dept, he proceeded on the 16th to join his Regiment in Mexico. Sept. 17, 1847
J. Erving,


Source: Fold3.com
NARA; M1064. Letters Received by the Commission of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1863-1870, RG94, Roll 23, Charles Griffin file, pp. 12-15

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The 4th Michigan speaks about Griffin

  Excerpts from  Crawford, K., & Bertera, M.N. (2010).  The 4th Michigan Infantry in the Civil War.  (first cloth ed.). East Lansing: Mi...