NOTES: Lt. Griffin leaves Mexico on sick leave in late January/early February 1848 and returns to his parents’ home in Granville, Ohio. At the end of the 3 month sick leave, a physician finds Griffin “totally unfit for laboring duty.” However, within a month (May 22, 1848), Griffin reports that he has recovered enough to return to duty and he is quickly assigned to Company K of 2nd Artillery, posted to Florida. Griftin arrives in Tampa Bay on June 20, 1848. and appears to remain in Florida through the end of 1848. The next posting I can find comes when Griffin reports his arrival at Fork Leavenworth, Kansas on August 30, 1849.
C. Griffin to Brig Gen Roger Jones, New Orleans, Feb. 19, 1848
“a leave of absence of three months has been granted me from the 28th within for the benefit of my health. At present I am physical unable to do any duty and shall proceed direct to my home for the purpose of recovering my health. Any communication the department may honor me with will reach me at Granville, Ohio.” [p. 18]
C. Griffin to R. Jones, March 7, 1848
“my health still continues bad, being afflicted since my return to the North, in addition to the chronic inflammation, with the intermittent fever” [p.20]
C. Griffin to R. Jones April 2, 1848
“my health is such as to still keep me confined and unfit for duty.’ [p. 23]
C. Griffin to Jones May 1, 1848
“I have the honor of forwarding a certificate of my ill health from my attending physician from which it will be seen that I am still incapable of performing duty. I have already been absent, with leave from the 28th of January to the 28th of April by permission of Col. Childs Comdg Dept. of Pueblo Mexico. Although my complete recovery may not be for some months, I think it probably that I shall be able to do garrison duty before, or by, the end of this month, and any orders that the Dept. may see fit to honor me with, will reach me at Granville Ohio” [p. 25]
Chas J. Gifford MD, Granville, Ohio, April 29, 1848
“Having examined Lieut. Charles Griffin I find him totally unfit for duty laboring as he is under chronic inflammation of the bowels, complicated with intermittent fever it is my opinion he will not be able to resume his duties for some months.” [p. 27]
Griffin to Jones, Granville Ohio May 22, 1848
“my health has sufficiently recovered to allow of my being ordered to duty again in the States.” [p. 29]
Griffin to Jones, Fort Brooke Tampa Bay Fla, June 27, 1848
I have the honor of reporting my arrival at this Post on the 20th inst in compliance with instructions from Co. JB Crane 1st Art. dated New York June 6/48.” [p. 31]
Griffin to Jones, Fort Brooke Florida Aug. 22, 1848 Acknowledges receipt of commission as second Lieut in the Second Regiment of Artillery [p. 33]
JB Crane, Col 1st Art. Head Qrs _ Service, New York, 5/31/48 to BG R Jones Adjt Genl Wash DC
recs that Lieut Griffin be attached to Company K, 2nd Art. which sailed for Tampa Bay. “as we require another officer in place of Lieut [Kearny?] 8th Infy.” [p. 35]
RD Heade, Brv Maj to Jones, HQ Fort Brooke, Fl 6/22/48 reports arrival of Lieut Griffin “and will assign him to the command of K company in a few days.” p. 37]
Griffin 2d Lt USA Art to Major WW Morris, Comdg Post of Ft Brooke, Fla; Fort Brooke, 11/4/48
“after performing the duties of Qr Master & Commissary of Subsistence at this Post since the 1st of July 1848, & becoming responsible for public property & funds, I lost all of my papers during a tornado or gale, on the 25th September 1848.
Owing to the difficulty of adjusting my accounts, & obtaining vouchers for public funds expended, I would most respectfully beg permission to remain at the post for two or three weeks, for the purpose of obtaining & making out new vouchers.” [p. 39]
WW Morris Major USA Commanding to BG R. Jones; Fort Brooke Tampa Bay 11/5/48
“I have been obliged to order one of my officers, Lt. TK [Walbridge?] 4th Art to take charge of the detachment of Recruits destined for Pensacola, instead of Lt. Griffin 2nd Art who reports to me that during the recent gale he lost by the flood all his vouchers belonging to the Qr Master & Commissary Department, and he wishes to remain some two or three weeks here before joining his Regiment.”
NARA; M1064. Letters Received by the Commission of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1863-1870, RG94, Roll 23, Charles Griffin file
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