Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Early 1864 - Official Records

 Official Records VOL XXXIII

p. 917: MG GK Warren HQ V Corps April 18, 1864 to Griffin
Warren forwards dispatch: “Great complaint is made by trainmen about the conduct of soldiers at Rappahannock Station and between there and Bealeton. Stones are frequently thrown by them at the men and signal lights of passing trains.” Vandalizing of trains. “Will you please make such arrangements as will catch these offenders if they repeat their operations?”

p. 1024. MG AE Burnside, Warrenton Junction, VA April 30, 1864 to Griffin: “General Stevenson will be at Bealeton with the main body by 10 or 11 o’clock as will enable you to move your force across the Rappahannock at once. Please meet General Stevenson at Bealton, or send an aide there to give him a statement of your instructions for guarding the road. I expected to have met you yesterday at Rappahannock Station, but suppose you did not receive my telegram in season. Please turn over to General Stevenson the cavalry that is with you.”

Fred T. Lock, AAG. Culpepper Va April 30, 1864 to Griffin
“The major general commanding desires to know when your command is relieved. As fast as they come up you can cross them to this side of the river and let them camp there till they are all up.”

Griffin HQ 1st Div, V Corps to Col Locke, April 30, 1864
“Have no troops on the Culpepper side of the river. Am ready to leave at twenty minutes’ notice. My orders were to assemble division at Rappahannock Station.”

Fred T. Locke, Culpepper VA April 30, 1864 to Griffin
“The major general commanding directs you to move across the river tomorrow and camp on this side, if it’s not storming. I sent word to the engineer officer to have the pontoon bridge taken up and loaded on his wagons.”

p. 1035: V Corps “has been engaged during [April] in guarding the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and in picketing the fords of the Rapphannock from Norman’s Ford to Freeman Ford. Headquarters of the corps at Culpepper Court-House.
First Division under Griffin April 1-30 “remained in camp, near Rappahannock Station, VA, performing the usual camp and picket duties.”

Organization of AOP commanded by Meade, April 30, 1864
p. 1039: V Corps; MG GK Warren: 1st Div: Griffin; Brigades, Ayres, Sweitzer, Bartlett

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