Griffin at Fort Riley, Kansas, Aug. 23, 1859 to Asst Adjut Genl, HQ Dept of West St Louis, Mo.
Asks for leave of absence for 2 months with permission to ask for an extension of 4 more, to take effect “after the adjournment of the Court instituted by Special Ordes No. 12 dated Aug. 1, 1859” [p. 92]
Griffin at New York City to S. Cooper, Dec. 8, 1859 – applies for extension of 4 months of leave of absence granted on Aug. 29, 1859: “my application was for 2 months with permission to apply for an extension of four. That application was approved by the Commanding officer of the Company to which I was attached and of the Post. I would respectfully state that two officers are now present with the Company, and that I have not had a leave of absence except for a few days since the winter of 1852 &1853. The order granting me a leave from the Head Quarters Dept. of the West authorizes me to apply for an extension of two months. [p. 90]
Soure: NARA; M1064. Letters Received by the Commission of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1863-1870, RG94, Roll 23, Charles Griffin file
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