Tuesday, March 22, 2022

West Point Battery and Promotion to Captain

I.  Fraley, J. P. (1910). Three Rivers, the James, the Potomac, the Hudson. New York (N.Y.).  https://hdl.handle.net/2027/yale.39002014324660

p. 104 Headquarters, U. S. Military 

Academy, West Point, N. Y. 

January 7, 1861. 

Orders No. 3.

1. The command of the Military Academy Detachment of Dragoons will be temporarily  transferred to Lieutenant Charles Griffin, 2d Artillery, for the purpose of improving and perfecting their instruction as drivers and gunners in the use of Field Artillery, to which branch of the Artillery service Lieutenant Griffin will for the present confine his attention.

2. To enable Lieutenant Griffin to organize a battery of four pieces with six horses to each piece and caisson, enough men to make the command seventy strong will be temporarily transferred from the Artillery to the Dragoon Detachment. For this purpose the commander of the Artillery Detachment will advise with Lieutenant Griffin in order that only the men most suitable for the object in view may be detailed.

3. Lieutenants Symonds and Webb will be relieved from duty as cadet instructors and will report to Lieutenant Griffin for duty.


4. Lieutenant Griffin is hereby relieved from duty in the Tactical Department in order to enable him to devote his entire time and attention to the organization and instruction of this light battery, which the Superintendent hopes in the shortest possible space of time may be converted into a model one of its kind. 

By order of Colonel Delafield,

                    S. R. HOLABIRD, 1st Lieut., 1st Infantry, Adjutant, M. A.

II. United States. Congress. Senate. (1828). Journal of the executive proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America. Washington: Printed by order of the Senate of the United States

p. 451 Promotions: Second Regiment of Artillery

First Lieutenant Charles Griffin to be captain, April 25, 1861, vice Elzey resigned.

p. 507  Captain, Fifth Regiment of Artillery  4/25/61

Captain Barry to be major 5/14/61

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The 4th Michigan speaks about Griffin

  Excerpts from  Crawford, K., & Bertera, M.N. (2010).  The 4th Michigan Infantry in the Civil War.  (first cloth ed.). East Lansing: Mi...