Tuesday, March 22, 2022

1855: Incident at Fort McHenry, Maryland

I.  Symonds, H. C. (Henry Clay), -1900. Report of a Commissary of Subsistence, 1861-1865. Sing Sing, NY: The author, 1888. https://hdl.handle.net/2027/hvd.hx4u3l

p. 20   Fall of 1854 – Griffin at Fort Defiance, ordered to tour of duty with Light Battery at Baltimore

II.  Lt. Griffin re-enters the historical record when a tragic death and the subseuqent court of inquiry at Fort McHenry in Baltimore are reported in newspapers:

Fort McHenry, Maryland. During the night of July 11, 1855 to the following morning, private Louis Loup of Light Co. K, 1st Artillery became intoxicated and violent. Loup was restrained at Grffin's direction. Loup asphyxiated. 

“Soon after the recent unfortunate death of private Louis Loup, at Fort McHenry, the officer of the day, Lieutenant Charles Griffin demanded court of inquiry, to examine into all the facts, so far as he himself was concerned.”   Military court assembled on July 20, 1855.

The military court of inquiry worte: “In submitting the above facts, the Court of Inquiry is not authorized by law to express any opinion on the matter, except as to the conduct of Lieut. Griffin, the officer who applied for the court.  In relation to him, the court is of the opinion that the order he gave was not intended as a punishment, but merely to preserve the quiet and good order of the garrison, which it was his duty as an officer of the day to maintain.

The merely tying and gagging, in the usual manner, a noisy and violent prisoner being, under the circumstances, absolutely necessary, and authorized by orders also- an order to that effect would, in itself, be proper enough, and therefore no blame whatever can be attached to Lieutenant Griffin, as the court does not believe that he either ordered or intended that the deceased should be tied up to the flag-staff or gagged in an unusual manner.”

Source: Washington Sentinel  August 2, 1855

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The 4th Michigan speaks about Griffin

  Excerpts from  Crawford, K., & Bertera, M.N. (2010).  The 4th Michigan Infantry in the Civil War.  (first cloth ed.). East Lansing: Mi...