Wednesday, March 16, 2022

1850: New Mexico

Lt Griffin is mentioned in letters from early 1850 (including two from Lt. Lafayette McLaws (later a Confederate general)), placing Griffin in New Mexico at that time.  He would spend several years stationed in the region. 

p. 102  

                                        Head Quarters 9th Mil Department Santa Fe New Mexico, 
                                        January 13 1850.

The accompany Department order No. 1 directs that company D 2nd Dragoons be turned over to Lieut Griffin 2nd artillery with the proper proportion, from the squadron, of horses and horse equipage, arras, amunition. accoutrements &c Lieut Griffin will then proceed with the company and take Post at Albiquin [Albiquiu]

Recent Indian difficulties in the northern portion of the Territory require a mounted force to be stationed at Albiquin[u]. and it becomes necessary to detail a company from your command for that service there being no other available mounted force — The Dragoons at Taos have become so much reduced in numbers that they are barely sufficient to protect the inhabitants in the vicinity of that Post from the constant depredations of the Indians —

It was Colonel Munroes intention and desire to retain the squadron under your command. But the necessities of service have rendered the seperation of that force, at present, unavoidable. But it is hoped that events may so happen, that the squadron, can be again united.

                                                    Your obdt servt    
                                                    L McLaws 1st Lt 7 Infy A A A Genl   to Col. May

                                            Head Quarters 9th Mil Department    Santa Fe New Mexico  
                                            Jany 31, 1850. 

I have the honor herewith to acknowledge the receipt of your communications of the 29th

Colonel Munroe directs me to inform you that one company of Dragoons, under Lieut C. Griffin 2 arty is now at Abiquin He is aware that there is not a sufficient force under your command to accomplish all that you would desire to perform, But there is no disposable force now in the Territory which could be sent to reinforce your command. Major Steen's company at Donana has been continually in the field. The exigencies of service, render it necessary that his present position should be occupied — It is hoped that the company at Abiquin will be sufficient for all purposes, — I have been instructed by the Col. to inform Captain Judd at Las Vegas, that the Uta & Apache Indians are reported to be in large numbers on the Rayado Frontier.

                                                    Respectfully Your obdt servt  
                                                    L McLaws 1 Lieut 7 Infy 
                                                    to   AAA Genl Col B L. Beall  Commanding Don Fernandez: de Taos

p. 216   Cyrus Choice, Ind. Agt to  Indian Agency Albiquin New Mexico to Col JS Calhoun, Sante Fe NM,  5/8/1850


Lieut Griffin, was informed on Sunday night last by a Pueblo Indian, that Pedro Solisair (one of the Constables of this county,) had been all around the Pueblo, requesting the Mexicans to meet at his house, on the day of the Election for Deligates to the Convention, — That he had some important facts to communicate. The Indian understood him to say that their were a large Mexican force coming from Old Mexico, and he wished to know if the Mexicans here, would join them or the Americans.

Source: United States. Office of Indian Affairs, Annie Heloise Abel, James S. Calhoun, and United States. Office of Indian Affairs. New Mexico Superintendency. The Official Correspondence of James S. Calhoun While Indian Agent At Santa Fé And Superintendent of Indian Affairs In New Mexico. Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1915

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